Following on from the idea of continuous and specialised training for maintenance personnel and for all areas of your companies and wind farms, please find enclosed the content of our courses plan.
Maintenance product courses focus on understanding the designs, applications, solutions and improving performance and durability.
We don’t aim to advocate brands, but rather to delve into the basic theoretical and practical concepts that are clearly useful in ordinary maintenance work.
They are able to make your machines run for longer and more reliably.
We are here to explain any of the staff at your company’s possible training needs in more detail, as well as the possibility of explaining our other products:

We have 4 training centres spread across the globe.
Courses at each centre
Satisfaction per area
Average satisfaction
Industrial maintenance training
- Rotary Movement
- Linear Movement
- Lubrication
- Power Transmission
- Pneumatic and hydraulic
- Industrial electricity and electronics. Robots
- Sealing
- Vibrations
- Shaft and pulley alignments
- Thermography
- Steam generation and control
Industrial maintenance training
Industrial maintenance training
- Training in working at heights
- Training in access and rescue in confined spaces
- First aid training
- Fire prevention and extinction training
- BTT (Hydraulic, electric and mechanical)
- BST Vestas 12 h
- Training in the use and management of DESA semi-automatic defibrillators
- LOTO Training
- Electrical risk, cell management enabling
- Training in the use and handling of towrope and rack and pinion elevators (3M, 3S-Linft, …)
- Drills: coordination and execution
- Defensive driving
- Satellite emergency communication systems:
- Personal
- Fixed in turbine
- Vehicles
- Chemical products
Satisfaction per area
Average satisfaction
GWO Fixed-ONSITE Training
- Standard BST-BSTR
Industrial maintenance training
- Rotary Movement
- Linear Movement
- Lubrication
- Power Transmission
- Pneumatic and hydraulic
- Industrial electricity and electronics. Robots
- Sealing
- Vibrations
- Shaft and pulley alignments
- Thermography
- Steam generation and control
Industrial maintenance training
Industrial maintenance training
- Training in working at heights
- Training in access and rescue in confined spaces
- First aid training
- Fire prevention and extinction training
- BTT (Hydraulic, electric and mechanical)
- BST Vestas 12 h
- Training in the use and management of DESA semi-automatic defibrillators
- LOTO Training
- Electrical risk, cell management enabling
- Training in the use and handling of towrope and rack and pinion elevators (3M, 3S-Linft, …)
- Drills: coordination and execution
- Defensive driving
- Satellite emergency communication systems:
- Personal
- Fixed in turbine
- Vehicles
- Chemical products
Satisfaction per area
Average satisfaction
GWO Fixed-ONSITE Training
Industrial maintenance training
- Rotary Movement
- Linear Movement
- Lubrication
- Power Transmission
- Pneumatic and hydraulic
- Industrial electricity and electronics. Robots
- Sealing
- Vibrations
- Shaft and pulley alignments
- Thermography
- Steam generation and control
Industrial maintenance training
Industrial maintenance training
- Training in working at heights
- Training in access and rescue in confined spaces
- First aid training
- Fire prevention and extinction training
- BST Vestas 12 h
- Training in the use and management of DESA semi-automatic defibrillators
- LOTO Training
- Drills: coordination and execution
- Defensive driving
- Satellite emergency communication systems:
- Personal
- Fixed in turbine
- Vehicles
- Chemical products
Satisfaction per area
Average satisfaction
GWO Fixed-ONSITE Training
- Standard BST-BSTR
- Standard ART
Industrial maintenance training
- Rotary Movement
- Linear Movement
- Lubrication
- Power Transmission
- Pneumatic and hydraulic
- Industrial electricity and electronics. Robots
- Sealing
- Vibrations
- Shaft and pulley alignments
- Thermography
- Steam generation and control
Industrial maintenance training
Industrial maintenance training
- Training in working at heights
- Training in access and rescue in confined spaces
- First aid training
- Fire prevention and extinction training
- BST Vestas 12 h
- Training in the use and management of DESA semi-automatic defibrillators
- LOTO Training
- Electrical risk, cell management enabling
- Training in the use and handling of towrope and rack and pinion elevators (3M, 3S-Linft, …)
- Drills: coordination and execution
- Satellite emergency communication systems:
- Personal
- Fixed in turbine
- Vehicles
- Chemical products